Wondering, Thinking, Figuring It Out – WTF Am I Doing Here?!
Midlife is so incredibly weird. One day you feel like you have it all figured out, the next you’re questioning everything. And honestly? That’s exactly why I’m here.

This is me, probably overthinking this blog post.
By this time in my life, I thought I’d be living my life’s plan in full effect. But some days, I just sit here and shake my head. Pivot, recalibrate, scratch that, start fresh, repeat.
It doesn’t matter how much we daydream or plan, how calculated our ideas and steps are, the only sure thing is that life will throw you for a loop whenever it pleases.
And having recently blown out 51 candles on my birthday cake, I feel no closer to “what do I want to be when I grow up” than I did when I was 10.
It’s been fun, exciting, interesting, and really hard at times. We take the good with the bad and chalk it up to learning.
And that’s what brings me back to blogging.
Back, because like a lot of mom’s, before social media was a thing, we shared our experiences in “mommy blogs” while we nursed our babies, wrangled toddlers, and stared at the every growing pile of clean laundry baskets waiting to be folded, or just picked from. That was me too.
Momming took over my days, my nights, and everything in between. Finding little time for myself, I let blogging go, found myself sliding into depression, and was just trying to find a way to get my head above water.
Now those babiest of babies are all in school, the older of the babies are grown and out on their own. And I have a lot of time to put back into what fills my cup between sending them off and picking them up when momming comes back in.
I feel like I’ve done so much, yet have little to show for it. Aside from awesome kids, of course. I’ve been a vet tech, photographer, a mentor, a health and fitness coach, network marketer, and juggler of all.the.things.
And today, as I sit here, I still can’t figure out why someone won’t just pay me to read books while I pet Corgis and snuggle cats?! If you have a hookup, let me know.
What I do know is that I have a lot of life experience and I love helping people. But as an empath and introvert (which gets stronger by the day, I think), my social battery depletes easily and I like to keep to myself. When peri/menopause kicked in a few years ago, that intensified.
I’ve always believed that we can’t do this life alone. It takes a village, we need each other, and for those of us in this weird transition in life, I believe that even more.
So as I sit in my quiet house with Corgis at my feet, my new favorite Survivor tumbler filled with water, and the space heater going (because it’s really darn cold here in North Dakota), starting a new blog to help guide and navigate the mid-life journey is taking shape.
What will it all look like? I have no idea. We’re just going to take it one day at a time, talk about all the things on the mid-life rollercoaster, believe me, I have all the middle things, and figure this out together.
If you’ve been feeling stuck, uninspired, a little (or a lot) bit all over the place, or like you’re in the ‘in-between’ stage of life, you’re in the right place, stI’m here for you!
So here’s to new beginnings, imperfect starts, and figuring it out together!